Courses at Ahead Online School

Maths, English, Computers, Science, Languages, Chess, Psychology, Geography, History, Sociology, Soft Skills.

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Maths that schools won't teach you

Developing spatial, mathematical and logical thinking, solving out-of-the-box problems, coming up with algorithms – this course covers topics outside the typical school curriculum.

Teachers:  Svetlana Vodolazskaya, Anna Mihailik

Age: 5-16

Maths for those who "just don't get it"

Children who are passionate about painting, music, history or literature sometimes lack confidence in maths. We find the gaps that the school had failed to bridge, and offer the explanations your child needs.

Teachers: Svetlana Vodolazskaya, Ivanka Panova, Anna Mihailik

Age: 7-16

Preparation for 11+ exams

We work on a variety of graphic and logical tasks, develop mathematical abilities, spatial and logical thinking, useful for non-verbal and verbal reasoning. A successful candidate needs to be aware of mathematical terminology, so we expand our vocabulary and learn to look for clues.

Teachers: Svetlana Vodolazskaya, Ivanka Panova, Anna Mihailik

Age: 8+

Preparation for GCSE Maths & Statistics

We learn exam skills and cover the topics needed to pass the exam. We practice reading the questions carefully and answering them fully (and correctly) within the specified time frame.

Teachers: Svetlana Vodolazskaya, Anna Mihailik

Age: 13-16

Fundamentals of Computer Programming

We master the basic concepts (such as a commands, algorithms, variables, conditions and loops) required for working with any computer code. We solve interesting problems using simple algorithms and play mini-games. We write and run Python code.

Teacher: Artem Bobrovskiy

Age: 10+

Secret Codes

On this course we try different encryption methods, have a go at breaking codes, learn about applying cryptography to data protection, solve challenges and complete quests.

Teacher: Irina Bobrovskaya

Age: 7+

Chat bot for Discord

Students implement their own text-based game for the Discord app, mastering the tools and practices that professional programmers encounter every day – for example, data structures, classes, logging, debugging, working with strings, modules and deployment.

Teacher: Artem Bobrovskiy

Age: 10+

English, Verbal Reasoning for 11+

With 8-9 year olds we work on reading comprehension and start to get to grops with creative writing. With 9-10 year olds we develop reading comprehension by analysing texts and find out more about the variety of text types involved in 11+ preparation. During this course we build vocabulary, improve spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Teachers: Dina Strong, Preeti Singh

Age: 8-10

The Art of Storytelling

This course is designed to help proficient English speakers use story structure, descriptive language and tone of voice to become confident engaging storytellers. Students complete the course with an understanding of how and when to use different story structures, the importance and ability of using descriptive language as well as the ability to change the tone and voice as a tool to engage and spark interest.

Teacher: Colin Young

Age: 8+

English Through Stories

This course is designed to help English learners create their own English -speaking world while listening, watching, discussing and having fun through wondrous places and unforgettable characters. Students complete the course with an increased motivation to continue their learning journey. They will be able to describe character qualities, use adjectives and adverbs to visually describe scenes as well as a greatly improved listening ability.

Teacher: Colin Young

Age: 6+

GCSE English Language Preparation

This course provides an all-round approach to teaching the skills required by the GCSE English Language exam specification, which was first assessed in UK schools in 2017. The exam is known to be more difficult than its predecessor, not least because of the variety of analytical approaches that the students have to master. We offer in-depth teaching that schools don’t usually have the capacity for.

Teacher: Masha Zotova

Age: 14-16

Harry Potter English Movie Club

These lessons are for children who love Harry Potter. It’s a movie club in English, about English. Even students with limited English can have a go.

Teacher: Anna Suchkova

Age: 9-14

Creative Writing

The creative writing process is fun and imaginative, yet complex and systematic. Learning to successfully write creatively goes far beyond simply having a good imagination. Throughout the school year we are offering short 5-week creative writing courses, each with their own specific focus and objectives. Together, these courses combine to create a thorough, complete preparation for the 11+ Creative Writing component, which allows children to expand their imagination while developing their writing skills.

Teacher: Colin Young

Age: 8-11

English as a Foreign Language

We teach English using interactive, fun and energetic games/activities. We focus on the less formal aspects of learning a language, where students can really enjoy themselves: singing songs, reading stories, competitive games and drawing. This course helps students associate the English language with fun and excitement rather than tedious studying.

Teachers: Josh Kean, Colin Young

Age: 5+

Writing Fundamentals in English

On this course, you will learn the fundamental features of a variety text genres so that you are better able to employ these in your own writing. You will learn about language, structure, layout, style, punctuation, connecting and expressing ideas and more. By understanding the important characteristics of different text types, you will be better able to write more naturally and express your ideas more convincingly to your audience.

Teacher: Mateusz Galka

Age: 8-10

Academic Writing in English

On this course, the focus is on developing academic writing through writing sub-skills, grammar and vocabulary. The learners will be at the centre of everything. We will analyse and employ real and natural English taken from authentic texts chosen by the students themselves. By empowering the learners, this course is centred around what they want to learn and will develop transferable study skills and learner autonomy that will enable continuation of their studies even once their course has ended.

Teacher: Mateusz Galka

Age: 13+

Russian for bilinguals / as a foreign language

There is a considerable difference between learning a language when you have a native speaker in your family, and learning it as a foreign language. We have expertise in both; for bilingual children, our focus is developing the Russian vocabulary, learning to spell and write in Russian correctly, and, by all means, thinking and reading in Russian.

Teacher: Alla Antonenko

Age: 6+

Preparation for GCSE and A-Level Russian exams

This course is for teenagers planning to take Russian Language exams in the UK, both at GCSE level and in Sixth Form. In class we read, expand our vocabulary, write essays, learn poetry and listen to Russian music.

Teacher: Alla Antonenko

Age: 14-18

Conversational Spanish

This course is designed to help Spanish learners of any level to communicate in common everyday situations by using a mix of techniques including creative role playing, vocabulary memorization and grammatical comprehension.

Teachers: Colin Young, Josh Kean, Bethany Mason

Age: 8+

Conversational German

This course helps the students to build their own connection with German, which becomes a communication platform rather than a grammatical skeleton. In a typical lesson we discuss their interests, listen to engaging audio clips, tell jokes and laugh a lot.

Teacher: Tatiana Lavrova

Age: 10+

Academic and Conversational French

We study grammar, phonetics, vocabulary from beginner level to preparation for A-level exams. We have a good knowledge of the UK educational system and can help those who study French as a foreign language with the challenges they face.

Teacher: Bethany Mason

Age: 8+

Academic and Conversational Italian

We discuss exciting topics, read interesting articles and write about anything. All levels welcome, from beginner to advanced.

Teacher: Ekaterina Skulskaya

Age: 10+


Along with learning Latin, we also talk about the history of Ancient Rome, translate original texts, learn interesting facts about the language and discuss how Latin influenced many modern languages.

Teacher: Ekaterina Skulskaya

Age: 11+

Preparation for GCSE Science

This course aims to prepare for either UK or Russian secondary school exams in Chemistry, Biology and Physics. Teaching is possible both in English and in Russian.

Teacher: Evgeny Mironov

Age: 14-16

Science Club

Starting with the basics, we aim to understand the structure of the world and fill in the gaps of the school curriculum. We learn to solve complex problems, breaking them into simple ones. We memorise terms without cramming, using mnemonics and semantic analysis. We train our brains to raise the bar and achieve a new level of success every time.

Teachers: Evgeny Mironov

Age: 7+

What are things made of

What are the things that surround us made of? What do trees, clouds, roads consist of? Do we know what is the matter used to build our toys, notebooks, pens and pencils? This course aims to discover chemistry though everyday objects and nature. The students will get familiar with the concepts of molecules and atoms, and how these building blocks are the base of everything we see and touch.

Teachers: Margherita Farina

Age: 7-11

Chemistry as part of everyday life

This chemistry course aims to give a basic understanding of how chemistry is part of our everyday life. Students get familiar with the concept of molecule, the crucial role that temperature plays in the interaction between molecules and the chemical reactions that allow our body to digest food, among other interesting topics. This is an interactive course in with students are encourage to ask questions (remember that there is no such a thing as a stupid question!) and suggest topics that would like to discuss.

Teachers: Margherita Farina

Age: 14-16


We study the main sections of biology in a systematic way, from the structure and function of cells to the life of various organisms. We focus on developing the student’s scientific thinking and their ability to analyse information obtained in the process of scientific observation or experiment.

Teachers: Natalia Jigounova

Age: 14-18

The Elements

It is extremely fascinating to understand the principles of nature. This course will explore the features of the world by analyzing its main components: water, air, earth and fire. We will address what these elements are, how they work, how they differ from each other and how fundamental they are for life on earth. The course will be very interactive and students will have the chance to experience the elements throughout all the senses. We will make sure to stay away from fire.

Teachers: Margherita Farina

Age: 5-6


In this course we will learn what crystals are, their physical and chemical characteristics. We will study how crystals form and how to classify them. We will dive deep in the amazing world of rocks and learn how to recognize them based on their properties. This is an interactive course in with students are encourage to ask questions (remember that there is no such a thing as a stupid question!) and suggest topics that would like to discuss.

Teachers: Margherita Farina

Age: 11-14

History of Russia in the 19-20 centuries

The main focus of these classes is to understand the role of the individual in history. We learn to analyse historical sources and understand how and why people make decisions, sometimes ingenious, sometimes tragic, determining the fate of an entire country.

Teacher: Natalia Jigounova

Age: 10+

Preparation for History exams

We analyse historical sources and write essays according to GCSE and A-level requirements. We learn to memorise the main dates and events using mnemonic techniques and look at certain spheres of human activity (such as medicine, crime, science, literature, music) across different periods in history.

Teacher: Natalia Jigounova

Age: 13-18

Your Amazing Brain

An engaging psychology course for teenagers, studying the brain mechanisms and the workings of memory, perception, emotions, relationships and dealing with stress and anxiety.

Teacher: Natalia Jigounova

Age: 12-16


Did you ever dream of becoming Sherlock Holmes? Of seeing through the evil logic of criminal masterminds and solving criminal puzzles? Now you can! We learn about the reasons and the ways in which people commit crimes, and learn how to catch the criminals by solving various puzzles.

Teacher: Natalia Jigounova

Age: 13-16

Preparing for GCSE and A-level Psychology exams

We study basic psychological theories and learn to analyse different aspects of human behaviour (such as memory, attention, social behaviour, stress, mental illness and much more). We master the techniques of effectively memorising material, making notes, abstracting and comparing sources, as well as the ability to study independently.

Teacher: Natalia Jigounova

Age: 13-18

Preparation for GCSE and A-level Economics and Business Studies exams

We look at tests and work with textbooks, problems and various scenarios, as well as learn to write exam essays. We develop the ability to critically analyse statistics and to combine economic theory with practice. Grouping is done by subject and by provider (Pearson / Edexcel, AQA, OCR / Cambridge). The best time to start classes is a year before the exam.

Teacher: Hanna Osher

Age: 14-18

The Power of Your Image

This course is designed to help teenagers and adults understand how they communicate with others, who they are, what they want, how others may see them and what reactions they can expect. The course is about being able to get the best out of themselves at a job, college or any other interview, presenting themselves honestly and interestingly in a CV, having more confidence communicating in a new social environment, understanding others and negotiating better.

Teacher: Tanya Khandurova

Age: 15+


Chess can be fun, but also serve as a great tool for developing willpower, perseverance, hard work, dedication and logical thinking. During the lessons, attention is not focused on memorisation; first of all, it is important to understand an action or idea. The task is to learn to think, to plan and to analyse.

Teacher: Mihails Lahmans

Age: 5+